144 Wealth Codes to Unlock the Abundance Within by Sarah Sparks

People want freedom. They want time and money freedom. They want to be freed from their emotions, anxiety, worry, blame, shame, depression, guilt, sadness. By unlocking and unblocking these wealth codes within us, they are not outside, brings us the time and money freedom we have been asking for. There is no place or condition that is going to change the wealth that is already coming to us. We must be ready and available to receive with ease.

There are blocks within people that have been either inherited, passed down from generation to generation, or they are sociological blocks where we humans have been taught what to believe about abundance.

This information brought to you through the 144 Wealth Codes to Unlock the Abundance Within gives people a different perspective on life. The way they can receive, the way they can ask for what they want, and how information, abundance, and prosperity can come into their lives. We are clearing the blocks, the different zones in the body, and the energetic atmosphere and environment, so that people, humans, can no longer stand in the way of what we, Divine, have been attempting, trying to give them their entire life.


Hateful to Grateful